As many of you are aware, there have been several recent news stories showcasing the various levels of workplace misconduct from a large national law firm. The in-depth reporting highlights the dangers of profound greed and leveraging the assistance of clients to better one’s firm. These actions are stimulated by immoral company culture and a lack of leadership.
At Lether Law, we take pride in our team-oriented ethos; each action we commit displays a vision. Whether that be our work with our clients or weekly employee softball games, everything we do at Lether Law centers around our Ohana (family).

Whenever someone steps foot into our office, the first thing they see is a giant sign relaying the company’s central message– The Canoe Theory. The principle of the message states everyone needs to show up and paddle, or the boat does not move forward. The underlying mantra also communicates that we care for each other by showing loyalty and respect.
Lether Law Group espouses the goal of Pono, which in Hawaiian means doing the right thing. We all take fulfillment in our actions of ourselves and how they reflect upon the company.
We PRIDE ourselves on being an equal opportunity employer and respect every employee’s unique qualities.
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